she/her · head mod · writing mod · social media mod

she/her · writing mod · social media mod

she/her · art intern · graphics intern

any · art mod · formatting mod

she/her · merch mod

General Application InformationContributors will be assigned a character for this zine based off of a list of characters they prefer on their application.Contributors will be allowed to choose up to 3 characters that they would like to create content for. They may also list characters they would like to avoid when filling out their application. No contributor will be assigned a character they wouldn't want to create for.Contributors may apply for more than one role, but they will be assigned only one position. For example: if you apply for both artist and writer, we will only take you as one position.General Contributor GuidelinesAll communication will be done through Discord on our server.Previous works will not be allowed in this zine. All work for the zine must be original.Contributors are required to make their piece based on the character assigned to them, which will be selected based on their top 3 selections from their application. Other characters may be included within the piece as well, but the major focus will be on the assigned character. Inclusions of other characters will be monitored in an attempt to keep a balance for how often each character shows up.Mild violence and gore are allowed due to the game’s rating. However, we will let you know when too much is too much.Contributors are only required to do one piece – but if they so choose to do more, they are allowed and it will be included in the zine as well!Specific Contributor GuidelinesDisclaimer: Everything below is tentative and may change by request of the formatting mod.Fic Writers
• 12 point font, Arial
• 1500-4000 words
• Single spaced
• No paragraph indent
Ficlet Writers
• 12 point font, Arial
• 500-1000 words
• Single spaced
• No paragraph indent
• Single Page: 2550 × 3270 px (8.5 × 10.9)
• Spread: 5100 × 3270 px (17 × 10.9 in)
• 300 DPI
• RGB color mode
• Submitted as a PNG/JPEG
• Named "[credit name]"underscore"ch#"
• Submitted as a PNG
• Named "[credit name]"underscore"final"

What is a zine?
A fanzine is an original book (digital and/or physical) made by fans for fans, featuring a collection of artworks and written pieces following a fandom or a theme. In this case, ours is based around Chapter 5 of DanganRonpa V3.
What is this zine about?
Found Footage is an unofficial, SFW fanzine based around what happens during Chapter 5 when the cameras go down. Since we only have the characters’ word to go off of, anything could have happened and there’s no proof. This zine represents the “what if’s”—the “found footage”. Canon interpretations and canon divergence are both welcome.
How much experience do I need to apply?
Zero! We’d love to bring on both new and experienced people into this zine. All we ask is that artists have an understanding of anatomy and color, and writers have an understanding of characterization for the Chapter 5 characters.
How old do I need to be to apply?
Contributors must be 16+ due to the game’s rating.
Will this zine be physical or digital?
It will be a digital PDF.
Is this zine for profit?
No, it is a free digital PDF!
Is this zine SFW?
What characters will be featured in this zine?
Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaito, Tsumugi, Himiko, Kiibo, and Maki. (Even Monokuma if anyone chooses to feature him!)
Will ships be included?
No, but romantic ships may be hinted at.
All of the images, characters, and assets used in this project belong to their respective owners. The project owners and moderators only own their own creative pieces and do not claim ownership over anything else. This project falls under Fair Use and is a fan project.

Interest Check OpensNovember 26
Interest Check ClosesDecember 26
Mod Applications OpenJanuary 3
Mod Applications CloseFebruary 3
Mod Results SentFebruary 10
Contributor Applications OpenFebruary 21
Contributor Applications CloseMarch 21
Contributor Results SentApril 6
Creation Period BeginsApril 6
Pitches DeadlineApril 16
First Check-InMay 16
Second Check-InJune 16
Third Check-InJuly 16
Final SubmissionsJuly 22
Free PDF DropAugust 31